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Class Feedback (수업 피드백)
Level High Beginner
Date 2/14, 13:00-13:50 Korean Time
Topic OPIC Questions
  1. Speaking

You said: to give courage to myself

Better way to say it: to challenge myself


You said: my ability is not increasing

Better way to say it: my ability is diminishing


  1. Grammar

“before the December” = before December

“I was very frustration.” = I was really frustrated.

“I like to reading books.” = I like to read books.

“When I was young, around 10 years, my age is 10 years.” = When I was young, around 10 years old.

“After read the book I got interested in novels.” = After reading the book I got interested in novels.

“I was impressed from his pure and heartbreaking story.” = I was impressed by his pure and heartbreaking story.

“I want to move different town.” = = I want to move to a different town.

“I don’t want to recommend book from others.” = I don’t want book recommendations from others. / I don’t want others recommending me books.

“I choose book myself.” = I choose the books for myself

I don’t have impulse shopping. = I don’t do impulse shopping.

  1. Pronunciation

changed /cheynjd/

virtual reality /vir-choo-wal/ /ri-ya-li-ti/

impulse /im-pls/


Overall Feedback:

Practice, practice, practice, Jiyoung. J For now, answer the questions in advance. Be keen with your usage of verb tenses.


Class Feedback

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List of Articles
No. Subject Author Date
671 Student Dean: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2023.02.15
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668 Student Jack : Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2023.02.14
667 Student Ga-In: Teacher Rach 1 file 0001_Rach 2023.02.14
666 Student Hael: Teacher Gee 0341_Gee 2023.02.14
» Student Jiyoung: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2023.02.14
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655 Student Yehee: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2023.02.10
654 Student John Ji: Teacher Rach 1 0001_Rach 2023.02.10
653 Student Fay: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2023.02.10
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651 Student Jack : Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2023.02.09
650 Student Jack : Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2023.02.09
649 Student Jinny: Teacher Rach 1 file 0001_Rach 2023.02.09
648 Student Hael: Teacher Gee 0341_Gee 2023.02.09
647 Student Celina: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2023.02.08
646 Student Bryant: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2023.02.08
645 Student Sally: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2023.02.08
644 Student Sonny: Teacher Grace 0027_Grace 2023.02.08
643 Student Ruha: Teacher Rach 1 file 0001_Rach 2023.02.08
642 Student Dean: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2023.02.08
641 Student Marie: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2023.02.08
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639 Student Jack : Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2023.02.07
638 Student Ga-In: Teacher Rach 1 file 0001_Rach 2023.02.07
637 Student Hael: Teacher Gee 0341_Gee 2023.02.07
636 Student Jiyoung: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2023.02.07
635 Student Celina: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2023.02.06
634 Student Allen: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2023.02.06
633 Student Kyle: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2023.02.06
632 Student Dean: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2023.02.06
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623 Student Fay: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2023.02.03
622 Student Jack : Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2023.02.02
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